Get involved in an award-winning project for Tibetan refugees in the hometown of the Dalai Lama in India and support community work in Nepal! Both projects will surely impress you and also the welcoming people living there and the stories they have to tell. Additionally we designed a program around these projects to show you the beauty of these countries, e.g. a trek on the Mount Everest!
Become part of this wonderful community, living with other volunteers in a local family's home stay and helping to teach a variety of skills in local schools. Surrounded by mountains (perfect for hiking), this beautiful location offers a special opportunity to help young Nepali children to improve their English, maths or science.
Rejoindre une mission humanitaire au Cambodge peut être un véritable défi, mais également une expérience extrêmement gratifiante. Que vous soyez en année de césure, en congés, ou en pause dans votre carrière professionnelle, vous participez à l’amélioration des conditions de vie des enfants et de la population locale.