Les écovolontaires contribuent aux études de la biodiversité locale dans le but de faire préserver la nature sauvage dans une réserve naturelle privée près de la frontière avec l’Afrique du Sud. Vous participez au recensement des animaux sauvages, menez des études scientifiques d’impact et aidez à effacer les traces d’une ancienne exploitation humaine de la réserve.
Immerse yourself into Zambia's wilderness and become involved in conserving wildlife and biodiversity. Contribute to elephant conservation in one of the most superb wilderness areas and gain insight into real species conservation! During your 3-week volunteer adventure, you will spend each week in a different location in this fascinating country – from the capital of Lusaka to Kafue National Park.
Join a team of adventure-loving researchers in the Okavango Delta - a huge wilderness that is home to the largest elephant population in the world and one of the last few places where you can spot endangered wild dog. Explore the famous Moremi Game Reserve, monitor priority species, and learn a variety of bushcraft skills as you move from camp to camp.
Our volunteer program is designed to give you the opportunity to teach important lessons to local children, care for our injured wildlife and fully immerse yourself in the South African bush! As teachers and guardians of our organization, our volunteers are essential to the success of our programs and have a real impact on local communities!
If you are an adventurer looking for time-out which will benefit you in the long-term, then this course with training as Field Guide Level 1, is the right choice for you. In 55 days you will learn the essentials about the interplay of reserve, flora and fauna from experienced and highly qualified instructors. The programme focuses on delivering training and further education directly in the wild.
Participez aux projets de protection de l'environnement marin aux Seychelles, dans un cadre somptueux et à travers une aventure collective inoubliable. Surveillez et collectez des données sur les récifs coralliens, observez la migration des requins baleines, invertébrés, tortues, plancton, etc.Formez des partenaires locaux sur les recherches environnementales.
Join us in making a difference at one of Africa's largest and most established rehabilitation centres! Moholoholo has been dedicated to saving animals' lives for over 25 years. As a volunteer, you'll immerse yourself in the vital work of nursing injured, poisoned, and orphaned wildlife back to health while actively supporting their conservation.