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Community Development in Ghana

Pays d’action: Ghana, Afrique
Type d’activité: Sport, Enseignement
Join a passionate team and help build a brighter future for rural Ghanaian communities. Help to improve concentration and increase the confidence of the children. Work with the team promoting improved health care and education. Live in the heart of the community in a tropical village.

Description du projet et du rôle des volontaires

Volunteer role at the project:

Volunteers are needed to support a passionate team and help build a brighter future for rural West African villages. This is a fantastic opportunity for volunteers to get involved in a diverse range of community initiatives from eco solar lights to sports! Volunteers can help support the following projects:

  • Eco Solar Light project
  • Cycling project
  • "Clean Hands Save Lives" project
  • "Tech to Teach" project
  • Sports Coaching
  • Construction

Volunteers are not required to have professional qualifications, just a positive attitude and lots of enthusiasm! It's a relaxed team volunteering environment and you have the flexibility to get involved with other volunteer roles - such as building, early learning, and photography - within the village.

If you have specialist skills, the team can create a bespoke volunteering placement for you to maximise your impact. This includes builders, carpenters, mechanics, electricians, doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals, teachers, management and marketing specialists. Just get in touch to find out more.

How the project is making a difference:

The Community Development project helps provide better access to education with eco-friendly, safe alternatives such as cycling and solar lights, minimising environmental impact. Education and Sports Coaching initiatives promote a culture of good health and hygiene, improving wellbeing of the communities. Construction projects build rainwater harvesting systems, boosting access to clean water and “Tech to Teach” engages young people in creative ways of learning.

Why volunteers are needed:

Volunteers provide additional support to the team, helping to facilitate sessions in community healthcare education and children's afterschool IT clubs which wouldn’t be possible due to the community's limited resources. They are able to assist in monitoring and evaluating the eco solar light and cycling projects which help provide better access to education.

Although English is the national language of Ghana, the level of English in this area is low since many children speak local tribal languages. All Primary and Secondary school subjects in Ghana are taught in English, so a good understanding of the language is vital for furthering their education. By engaging with the children and community members in English volunteers are directly improving education and employment prospects of the school children and members of the community.

L’organisation de volontariat se présente

We are an award winning non-profit organisation arranging ethical, inspiring and supported volunteering opportunities around the world since 2001. Volunteers are needed from 1- 12 weeks for animal, conservation, child care, education, teaching, building and community volunteering projects around the world.
En savoir plus sur nos critères de sélection pour choisir nos organisations partenaires.

Fiche technique de la mission

Pays d’action :
Ghana, Afrique
Type d'activité :
Durée de la mission :
Minimum: 2 semaines
Maximum: 3 mois
Frais de participation à la mission :
(contacter l’organisation pour une liste de prix complète)
2 semaines : 985 €
4 semaines/1 mois : 1260 €
8 semaines/2 mois : 1810 €
3 mois : 2360 €
Pourquoi payer pour faire du volontariat ?

* Toutes les indications de prix sont fournies par l’organisation de volontariat sans garantie. Si l’organisation ne facture pas en Euros, les prix réels peuvent varier en fonction du cours de change.
Disponibilité de la mission :
A tout moment
Age minimum :
18 ans
Age maximum :
pas d'âge maximum
Placement individuelle ou en groupe ?
Maîtrise de langues :
Volunteers must be confident communicating in English
Qualifications particulières :
Pas nécessaire
Hébergement & repas :
Volunteers live in a basic bunk-bed dormitory. There is a common room and simple kitchen at the volunteer base. The accommodation is clean but very simple, with long drop toilets, bucket showers and no running water.All main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are included.

Obtenir plus d’informations gratuitement

  • Recevez immédiatement un e-mail avec le site web et le n° de téléphone de l’organisation de volontariat
  • Recevez gratuitement notre guide avec une check-list à imprimer
  • Un guide de conversation en cadeau, si vous vous inscrivez plus tard
First name
Last name
Phone number / Whatsapp / SMS
Zip code / City
Questions and motivations*
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Le guide du volontariat à l’étranger

Comment choisir la bonne organisation de volontariat ?

Si vous utilisez notre formulaire de contact, nous vous offrons en plus notre guide de plus de 20 pages « Comment choisir la bonne organisation de volontariat ? » au format PDF. Il contient entre autres une check-list avec plus de 50 critères de sélection pour facilement évaluer vos options.