Walmer Township is one of the few places in Port Elizabeth where a specific area where the black community lives exists between neighborhoods populated mainly by the more wealthy white community. This project focuses on bringing the nations of this community together, as well as building it by providing a variety of educational support programs at creches and primary schools, as well as leisure programs such as sports, dancing, home work guidance and activities for adults in our small community center.
Unlike many other townships, Walmer is in a relatively calm and easily accessible area. Poverty, child neglect, alcohol abuse and a high unemployment rate are some of the many difficult challenges you will be facing here, but at the same moment you will experience it is not all sad. The community is very welcoming and loves having volunteers showing an interest in their way of life.
One of the founders Prof Mtyaleka has been running several projects here since 2006 and with the support of our local coordinators you will be guaranteed to be looked after in the township and getting the support to be safe and enjoy your time.
Besides the daily need for help and assistance, there is also a financial need. Please note that any gifts and donations provided by volunteers are extremely appreciated.
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