Vivez une expérience unique et concrète de protection des animaux et de la nature auprès de notre ONG en Namibie. Les volontaires ont la formidable opportunité de participer activement à la conservation, à la réhabilitation, aux soins et à la recherche sur la faune africaine. Le sanctuaire constitue actuellement un refuge sûr pour les animaux orphelins, blessés ou menacés.
Join an award winning elephant conservation team to help protect and research the desert elephants. Construct walls to protect farmers’ water infrastructure and build drinking points for the elephants to help reduce the conflict within the local community. Camp out under the stars in the beautiful Namibian desert whilst immersing yourself in pioneering conservation work.
Take an unrivalled camping holiday in the Namibian desert, living like a nomadic tribe in an area where wild desert elephants roam. Desert elephants can be found in only two places in the world, and you and your family can help to conserve these majestic creatures on this amazing family volunteering holiday. Age 8+
The programme for protecting the desert elephants gives you an insight into Namibia and nature at its best. You will experience intense moments in which you can observe fascinating animals in the wild, when you spend nights under the stars in apparently endless landscapes and become acquainted with the culture and nature of the country.