Le volontariat pour la conservation côtières à Zanzibar comprend une variété d'activités sous la direction experte de biologistes marins français, telles que la conservation des tortues marines, la surveillance et la restauration des récifs coralliens et l'éducation environnementale pour les écoliers locaux. Vous vivez sur un site proche d'une plage paradisiaque.
Get hands-on with Africa's famous wildlife and learn from some of the region's top conservationists - this rhino orphanage has even featured on the TV show 'The Supervet'! From bottle-feeding orphaned baby rhinos to monitoring adult rhinos that have been successfully released back into the wild, discover a whole holistic overview of rhino rehabilitation.
Live the life of an African wildlife vet, working hands-on with legendary wildlife species. One moment you could be assisting with disease prevention, the next - learning how a vet darts an animal in the field in order to work safely and effectively. Every experience is tailored to your goals, also meeting veterinary placement requirements for your studies.
Work with nature’s gentle giants on this inspiring conservation and research project. Working closely with the abused and displaced elephants, you gain a rich insight into one of the world’s most intelligent creatures. As a volunteer you get to know the elephants intimately whilst caring for them, feeding them and contributing to advancing research.
Tu habiteras dans un camp confortable avec d’autres volontaires dans la forêt tropicale de Jozani. Des vélos sont à ta disposition pour les activités liées à la protection des reptiles indigènes et des singes colobes rouges endémiques, la plantation de mangroves, le travail avec une coopérative agricole, des cours de natation pour les enfants, la culture des algues et l'éducation environnementale.
Are animals important to you and would you like to get involved in animal welfare in Tanzania? Then you have the opportunity to get involved in a unique project with us. Arusha has a big problem, especially with street dogs, which multiply uncontrollably and are often in a catastrophic health condition.
Join us in making a difference at one of Africa's largest and most established rehabilitation centres! Moholoholo has been dedicated to saving animals' lives for over 25 years. As a volunteer, you'll immerse yourself in the vital work of nursing injured, poisoned, and orphaned wildlife back to health while actively supporting their conservation.
Volunteer in animal welfare! Engage in a variety of animal welfare projects in South Africa: Whether a volunteer mission to rescue penguins and sea birds, in a dog shelter or on a ranch for the resocialization for abused horses - here's where all animal lovers can find the right project! Just let us know which option appeals to you the most, and we'll let you know all about it!